Have you ever noticed how some people mistake approval by their peers for improvement? It’s not the same thing. In fact, these same people oftentimes actually feel they are accomplishing something of consequence when all they are doing is echoing in a chamber of a likeminded groups. You know, group think.
I’ve witnessed this firsthand at the highest levels within organizations of all kinds. Have you ever noticed how certain people gravitate toward narrow nepotistic groups who don’t challenge them? Where they feel safe and secure. Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing trend of insecurity. Why is that? Why would anyone or any group seek approval over actually improving a situation or growing? That’s a good question.
Maybe, it’s the result of what has become a virtual popularity contest in the form of social media which has become societally pervasive. You know, a regression to high school. It’s as if social media has infiltrated the minds and souls of the people who have been tasked to accomplish a given set of results. You know, improve things. What’s crazy is that these same people can’t seem to recognize it. They are so steeped and impressioned by their virtual reality of approval seeking that they can’t differentiate between the real world and virtual world.
All you need to do is read some of the language used by individuals who enjoy the anonymity of their computer screen or devices and immediately see that something is not quite right. And not only is there a lack of chivalry, but there is also a latent need for approval. Unfortunately, these same people are out there in roles of responsibility where they are supposed to rise above and improve conditions for the people they represent. We’ve all witnessed situations where it’s time for these approval seekers to deliver, and they fail miserably.
So, how can someone break out of this vicious cycle? You can begin by boycotting social media or severely limiting your exposure to it. You can also take a step back and observe the “group think” and cliques that you feel you need the approval of. If these groups do not positively improve your life and instead are some sort of narrow sect where someone feels approved of or disapproved of, then move on. Break the cycle. Trust me, you don’t need anyone’s approval but your own and you are better off without theirs.