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I read a book recently by William Manchester and Paul Ried called the “Last Lion”.

I read a book recently by William Manchester and Paul Ried called the “Last Lion”. It is a detailed story about the life of Winston Churchill from 1940-1965. Churchill was a remarkable man who was faced with unbelievable odds in World War 2 against Nazi Germany. Germany relentlessly bombed Britain, but the British never lost their resolve. Churchill attributed it to the fact that he could conjure up curiosity from his people. That he could paint a vision of an intriguing future that kept the British people emboldened under insurmountable odds. 

Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” Passionately curious? What an interesting perspective. When you combine passion with curiosity, you create an energy that comes from a determination to follow your dreams which evokes vigorous intellect. Einstein being a prime example of such a case. 

When you think about how our brains are wired, we establish patterned thinking based on what we have been exposed to, and especially what we assimilate. 

Assimilation occurs whenever we are curious, drop our guard and stop shielding our mind from things that we don’t already know, allowing doors of our mind to open, and possibly for the first time. I’ve known many businesspeople in my age range who should have gotten out of the game a long time ago. The reason is that they lost their curiosity for learning. They learned to a point, felt like they got it, and that was it. Stay curious! 

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