Five star general and 34th President, Dwight D. Eisenhower was a fanatic about preparation as well as adaptation. He would say that "Plans are nothing, but the planning is everything." He would also say, "Rely on planning, but never trust plans." Basically, inspect what you expect. Planning helps people know what to do, when to do it, and why. Plans help us cope with uncertainty, but planning is fluid and never complete. The process of planning involves getting to know the situation thoroughly, and from there plotting out steps toward success. What matters is good preparation combined with constant adaptation.
Billionaire and mega-entrepreneur, Jeff Bezos adds to this line of discussion with his quote about how Amazon runs its business: "We are stubborn on vision, but we are flexible on details." Obviously, Amazon knows where they are headed, but they don't get overly hung-up on how they are going to get there. At globalstar, we know who we are and what our vision is but are constantly having to adapt to the fluidity of change. As we all know, change can freak people out, but it can also be extremely stimulating and exciting. How you deal with change comes down to your adaptive attitude.
I hear people who profess their goals all the time but have no plan. A goal without a plan is nothing more than a wish. Eleanor Roosevelt said that "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." When we take our wishes and write them down and apply a date, they become a goal. When we break our goals down into steps, they become a plan. When we act on our plans, we make our wishes come true. It all comes down to action. Otherwise, it's all just a bunch of hot air floating out into universal nebula.